Sunday, August 28, 2011

Then off to Utah to see Grandma Fletcher

So I did the unthinkable and took both boys on an airplane by myself! It wasnt so bad, probably just more of my own stress than anything haha! both boys did great, and didnt throw fits at all. A really nice guy saw me in line and carried in Devon's car seat and the double stroller onto the plane and hooked Devon up in it before he turned around and went back up the plane to his wonderful business class seat :) lol On the flight back a flight attendent did the same thing, so I didnt have to deal with carrying Henry, the car seat, and packing up the stroller hahaha!
It was a short trip, and Jason flew in from the east to see mom too. First time he'd met Henry so that was cool.

I sure love these two boys--Devon is in love with Henry! He is always so concerned about Henry and is sure to tell me when Henry is crying or upset (and will not stop telling me until I go and get! hahaha)

Grandma and Henry

Great Grandma Smith, Grandma Fletcher and Bree with the boys

Dev with his favorite auntie Jennie

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