Monday, July 26, 2010

And, the best sale on the planet!

So i went to my first semi-annual "bag sale" on Saturday at "Once upon a child" this great consignment shop in Tacoma where they only sell childrens clothing, it's GREAT! :) We got there about 15 minutes early only due to traffic, not due to planning, and was suprised to see the line wrapping around the building of this small shop. Got Devon strapped into his stroller and stood outside in the sun waiting for them to open. They handed us plastic bags, and the rules were you can stuff everything you can into the bag, as long as the handles can touch, and you get it all for $10.00!!! You can get as many bags as you want, and you can even take off the hangers so that you can get more clothes in there!!! I got stocked up on clothes for the new one (not that we needed much, the hand-me-downs will begin at birth haha) and was able to get my girlfriend a ton of stuff for her first little girl. Over 50 items later for her, and I was pooped, sweaty, and ready to get out of there!!! But, SO worth it. My savings was $274.00, and that was even at consignment pricing, imagine what it would have been if I had bought any of that at a regular store!!! i was very luckily, and got about 40 items for Devon and the new baby, and about 1/3 of all items were brand new with store tags on them still. But this all was not without a fight. It's a tiny store first of all, and it's packed to the gills with clothing, toys and accessories. Try pushing a stroller around in there, and it gets worse. Add in vicsious moms and yes, I mean viscious moms to the picture, and you will start to form that scary scene from movies where moms are fighting for the last pair of great jimmy choos at the last minute sample sale the day after thanksgiving. As an afterthought, bringing Devon to something like that was probably horrifying for him, and I will definitely not be bringing him to it this Jan when I go back again for the next one. I wont be pregnant, I wont have either boys with me, and I will come prepared for a fight to get the best dang clothes I can get for them! :)
Oh yeah, and my new haircut!! I had over 20 inches cut off of it. It's cute, fun, but I definitely am ready to be able to pull it back!


So before I knew we were having a little boy, I went ahead and found these adorable cloth shoes to make, just in case we were going to have a girl. Luckily, my best friend is having a girl 8 days before me, so she can get good use out of these...I went a little crazy and now have over 12 pairs of these in different colors, textures, and sizes! AND their reversible, so what get better than that! :)

Also, does this look completely like Andrew or what??? At first glance most people say he looks exactly like me, but I think they only look at his dark hair and his eyes.....than if you look closer you see Andrew all over him. Even though his eyes are similar to mine, he definitely has daddy in them, and in his nose, face, everything! :)

his four front teeth are coming in too now! :) He's a good little chomper!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

That's a leg, that's a leg, and.....that's NOT a leg.

IT"S A BOY!! :) We are so happy and blessed to be able to announce that we are expecting our 2nd boy this early winter! :) Due date is officially Dec 14th but we are planning for sometime in early to mid November. i'll post photos up soon, but just wanted to get the news out to our friends and loved ones. It was a rough beginning but now things seem to have calmed down and has turned to a very good pregnancy! :) wish us luck, Devon is keeping us busy already, who knows how chaotic we'll be with 2 of them :)

Friday, July 16, 2010

also, first encounter with sand

Devon is so hilarious, he couldnt figure it out because everytime he picked it up, it wasnt in his hand anymore!...??? Than he was getting frusterated because he couldnt put it in his mouth (like everything else) haha. I know these aren't super cute for everyone, but for parents, their pretty darn cute :)

It's been a while.....

Yes, I know it's been a while. I swear I'm going to get better at this. I am so lucky to be able to quit work next month or sooner, and so when I do I'm hoping that I will be able to do this more :)
This is Devon's first trip to the Ocean!! We went to Copalis for the 4th of July, and it was interesting for a 1 year old.....:) Since Devon is too timid to walk still, it was a constant battle to keep him out of stickers, and out from underneath the motor home! :)

Devon also will not crawl anywhere unless he has things in his hands, and he's bringing them WITH him! hehe. Most of the time he even has something in his mouth as well when he is crawling so that he can get the most out of his trip to wherever his little legs will carry him :)
(Those are golf balls by the way.) He loves to go into Jacob's room and steal all his little toys that Jacob doesnt play with anymore. They tease each other quite a bit, it's quite entertaining :)

Helping mama make some freezer jam, he's such a good helper!