Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Welcome Baby Devon!

Well, yesterday on May 4th at 3:10pm, we welcomed Baby Devon james Gibbons into the world!!! We had him taken out by c-section and the whole thing was over within an hour and a half. Devon weighed 1 lb, and 12 ounces and was just over 12 inches long. He has enormous feet already!! :) They dont really match his body haha :)
Andrew was able to be in the room and watch the whole surgery from start to finish!! I was amazed that he wanted to do that, I wouldn't have! haha. But he loved it and said that Devon came out kicking around! The docs said he was "vigorously" kicking when he came out, so that is the new word of the day, VIGOROUS! hee hee.
For now I am still in the hospital and will go home shortly. Devon will be in the hospital for at least a few more months, but he seems to be doing well so far. He gained some weight yesterday, but we're pretty sure it's just liquid, nothing too substantial. He will be great though, we just know it! He was born about 10 weeks early, but is doing awesome. All we can do is wait and see...day by day:)
wish us luck and send us prayers! We are sooo lucky to have such an amazing blessing in our lives!!!

p.s. Yes, I will post picks as soon as I transfer them! :)

1 comment:

Hailey said...

Yay! I'm so happy! Congrats you guys. Tell Devon hi for me. I'm so glad all is going well!