Thursday, May 14, 2009

Day 11 in the NICU

Hello everyone! Just wantd to write out a little update on our sweet little Devon. So much has happened that I dont even know where to start! Well, I guess at the beginning would work huh :)

The first couple of days were a little rough and he definitely has had his setbacks...after day 1 he was put on nitric oxide, an osscilator, antibiotics, 2 blood pressure medications, insulin for his blood sugar, hydrocortizone, and a few others that I just can't seem to recall. He made major progress and was down from the osscilator to a regular ventilator, and as of a day ago, he is off the ventilator and is on what they call C-pap, which is a small mask that goes over his nose and helps him breathe. He is off all medications and the nitric oxide and is stabilizing himself really well. They did just start some more antiobitcs this morning for a possible infection, but otherwise he is doing really well and is stable. He is almost up to his birthweight of 796 grams (1lb and 12 ounces) and he is doing well on the feedings of breastmilk.
All in all what they say is truly true---that it is two steps forward and one step back type of thing. You have good days and you have bad days, but either way, it is another day and one more step forward.
I also got to hold Devon for the first time on Monday, and since than I spend hours a day holding him to me, and just hanging out (and falling asleep a lot of the time) and I absolutely love it. Andrew and I are going tonight so hat he can finally hold Devon. Will post some pics now because he isnt as scary as he was in the beginning (less going in and out of him now)

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