Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wow!~ I can't believe I have let everything go for so long!!! Well here is the general update for everyone :) I am currently just over 26 weeks pregnany, with a boy.......wait no, a girl..........wait no, a boy :) haha. Every ultrasound gives us a different answer! With the many complications that I have had throughout the pregnancy, even though I am due in late July, they plan taking the baby out via c section in mid May, or up to early June.....but highly unlikely anytime after that. So, of course baby will be a premie, but with all of the docs on my tail about this, I'm sure that everything will turn out just fine~ we'll just have a small little baby in the hospital for a while.

Andrew and I have recently moved back in with his folks to help with all of this--I was just put onto strict bedrest with only breaks to go to the bathroom, go to the shower, and go to my doctor appointments which are ranging from 2 or 3 times a week. I have to be on my side as well the whole time to help promote better blood flow. So Andrew's mom is taking care of me, and I just lay around on the couch all day, literally./.............or in my bed, or maybe the hammock if it's a nice day. :)

All in all we are still so happy that we are expecting that little one soon, and are very thrilled and feel very blessed with this little miracle!!! All prayers are welcome for a healthy little baby to come soon~ :)

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