Wednesday, September 30, 2009

our latest to spokane!

Ready to go strapped into the motor home, we set off to spokane to celebrate mel and norm's birthdays! Devon was ready, just waited forever for us to get all our stuff. What was our problem haha :)

This is what happens daddy dresses devon...he ends up with hot green, plaid, and stipes, all in one! Oh well, at least he's dressed :)

family photo op at a park in moses lake. We pinned andrew's arm until he said he'd call in sick so we could camp out an extra day! :)

Uncle ray, uncle norm, and Mel with Andrew and Devon. It was a fun time by all! :)

Norm is part of a model Tclub, so they had over 20 different cars on show at the shop for the birthday! :)

And one more, I got a haircut, so I had to show you it 1:) Hope you like it!


I seem to only write on this about every month and than there are a whole bunch of pictures to upload.....I'll get better I promise! :)

I was mostly busy with my cna class, which I finished on the 25th of this month! Yeah!!! :) I dont have any pictures, but the instructor is not someone I would want a picture of anyway! boo she was not a nice person :*(
But we did go to Kevin and sara's wedding on the columbia river, and that was a blast. Devon of course was ahit, and I even sneaked in some hairspray to give Devon a little mohawk when andrew wasn't looking! hhahaha

the bride and groom!

The wedding site, it was beautiful, but windy!
our little stud :)
I'll post more pictures but on a different post, I dont want to drag all the photos to the bottom! So hold on! :)

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Life is so funny!

I also forgot to post this latest photo! Devon is learning to smile so we get random smiles....really random! I finally caught one on camera!

Stuff and things....Things and Stuff

For anyone who does not know, we named our son after Andrew's younger brother who passed away 3 years ago. He died after being blown up by an ied while serving in Iraq. It is a great honor to have our son named after such an important hero in our lives! We love you big devon, and we will always remember you! We hope you feel honored as well!

I also thought it would be funny to get a few photos of Andrew's beloved truck and his son in it! I of course did this when Andrew was gone because he would have freaked out......which he did when he saw the pictures after he got home haha :)

Andrew and Bonnie asked me, well, how did he like the tire pictures? Did he like them?

Well, just keep going and you'll see for yourself!

"okay, this smells funny..."

"wait a minute....I've seen this thing before..."

Get me OFF IT! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Needless to say it ended quickly~

My mother also mentioned that I never send any pictures of devon and myself! I am always taking the pictures so I forget! So the other day I went about getting some taken, and anchored my camera in a tree. Seriously. Thank goodness for timers!