Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A baby boy was born weighing a little over a pound.
His skin was wrinkled his belly was round,
They said it was a miracle if he would survive,
Here it is six weeks later and you are still alive.
You came before your body was ready,
I tried to keep carrying you, but you would not let me.
You were anxious to see this place,
I remember the first time I saw your tiny face.
You were red all covered with tubes and IV lines,
At that moment I started crying.
Then I realized that you are my miracle boy,
since the moment I found out I was Pregnant
my heart has been full of joy.
So on this day I want to say
God has blessed me in every way,
by bringing me such a wonderful child.
Every time I see you I cant help but smile,
because I know miracles are real.
Words cant express the feelings I feel,
about my little boy who I will always love,
I want to thank the man up above,
who sent you to me. I love you Devon and that's how it will forever be.

1 comment:

Lesley said...

i love your sweet poem! i added your blog to our blog list...(happyharrops.blogspot.com) hope thats ok :-) devon looks so cute; they grow so fast, i miss the tiny newborn stage already!