Ready to go strapped into the motor home, we set off to spokane to celebrate mel and norm's birthdays! Devon was ready, just waited forever for us to get all our stuff. What was our problem haha :)

This is what happens daddy dresses devon...he ends up with hot green, plaid, and stipes, all in one! Oh well, at least he's dressed :)

family photo op at a park in moses lake. We pinned andrew's arm until he said he'd call in sick so we could camp out an extra day! :)

This is what happens daddy dresses devon...he ends up with hot green, plaid, and stipes, all in one! Oh well, at least he's dressed :)

Uncle ray, uncle norm, and Mel with Andrew and Devon. It was a fun time by all! :)

Norm is part of a model Tclub, so they had over 20 different cars on show at the shop for the birthday! :)
And one more, I got a haircut, so I had to show you it 1:) Hope you like it!