Hello there everyone! I finally got on the bandwagon and started a family blog.
For those of you who dont know the recent history, I will go ahead and share our story.
Andrew and I met online of all places (ldsplanet.com, you should really try it if you're single).
We met online in 2006, in April, and met the following week in person. He took me to a small carnival in Port Orchard for our first date and spent a ton of money trying to get me a bear. It was funny.
During our dating period his younger brother passed away while trying to recover from an ied bomb while driving his bradley over in Iraq. I was lucky enough to meet him while in Texas, and spend some good quality time getting to know his family in this precious and hard time. All in all, it made my bond with andrew and his family strong from the beginning.
Andrew proposed to me on his birthday, August 7th, 2006, just over 3 months after we had met. He even wrote it on a kids coloring paper and asked me and than drew two boxes that said yes or no,check one. haha.
We actually went and got married at the Hitching post in Post Falls, ID, with only my parents there as witnesses. We decided to do that because we wanted to be married, but did not want to wait a long time. We decided with Devon passing away so recently it would only be right to wait an appropriate amount of time before we wanted to have a big celebration of a wedding. We had our big wedding over a year later, in October of 2007, in Spokane.
We moved to Kennewick for 3 months immediately after we got married, and than moved back home to port orchard, wa. We have been living here for the past two years now. We are expecting our first child this coming summer. yeaa! :)