Thursday, August 27, 2009

my son grew up in the NICU

I realized the other day how truly deep my child sleeps now thanks to the NICU. I had gotten up with andrew when he was going to go to work and made his lunch, than fed devon and we went back to bed. I only wanted to sleep for about 45 minutes more so I set the "NAP" alarm on our clock. On the NAP setting it doesnt give you the option of hearing the radio or the buzzer, it just does the buzzer. He fell immediately to sleep, and I tried and tried to go back to sleep but it just wasn't working. So I quietly got up and left him in bed and went outside to do some things. a little later I hear this buzzing noise coming from inside........I had forgotten to turn off the buzzer alarm when I left! I ran inside, only to find my little boy snoring so loudly straight through the noise. It was directly next to his little head and he wasn't even bothered by it hahaha :) AND it's a LOUD buzz that beeps!! Now, that is a TRUE sign he grew up in the NICU.

Monday, August 17, 2009

August Rush

Wow has August flown by! :) Here are a few updates and highlights of our month! :)

We went on a short day-trip to Portland to go and visit Sara and Juanita! We had a blast going to the Saturday market, voodoo donut and than just walking around downtown. It was super hot though so we only stayed outside for a couple of hours. Saturday Market!Mama likes to take random pictures :) Andrew is very good about it too haha
Andrew and I had our first real date since Devon has been born! We went to a nice dinner on the water and a movie for his birthday! He is 26 now, and says he's "so old!" hahaha Just wait my sweet, just wait! haha just kidding!
Not the best picture because of the lighting, but oh well! :)
This is Devons first play-date! Shyla here is only 2 weeks older than Devon...such a difference huh! Mom and dad played in the pool and let the kiddos hang out

And these are just a few photos from our latest collection :)
Our little kitty cat being a bear for the day:) He makes these noises that sound EXACTLY like a little kitty cat, so we call him our little kitty cat! It's hilarious, because he does it all the time! :)
Devon glaring at me with his cute little mohawk! Daddy and Devon! :)