Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New year's Eve!

I can't eblieve it's the end of the year already! But dont we always say that every year? Yes, it seems that it goes by much quicker than the last, and is only to go quicker the next year. We have been blessed with so many blessings and blessings in disguise this year, that we are simply in awe a lot of time. Things are going well, no enws to report really.
We went and saw the lights in spanaway, where we drove through miles of lights put up everywhere! They had millions of them it seemed and had everything from a big bradley shooting showballs to make a snowman, to santa doing flips across the road, and giant bears and pirate ships! Here are a few pics, though they didnt turn out too great, you will get the idea :)

this is the big military type thing shooting
the snowballs across to make a snowman across the lawn
a pretty cool looking truck

a thank you to all military

a giant poinsetta archway

Thursday, December 25, 2008

It's the Most wonderful time of the year!!!!

Merry christmas everyone! We had a very relaxing and quiet christmas this year, with Andrew's parent's, and brothers Adam and Jacob. It was really nice and was great to be around family. We have had tons of snow the past few weeks and it is totally NOT like the seattle area to have this much! seattle has also refused to to put de-icer and salt on the sidewalks and roads downtown because of the enviroment, so we can hardly get anywhere when we go into seattle. Can you believe it?!?!

We almost didn't even get up to Andrew's parents house yesterday either, a few trees had fallen but Andrew being the redneck he is, just got a chainsaw real quick and fixed it for us! haha

All in all, we had a wonderful christmas today and am excited for the new year to come! We will be putting up some more pictures soon, but today, here are a few :) We love you all!